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JA Partners with Keiser University Nursing Students!!


Keiser students posing for class photo

They have 29 BSN students in their 3rd semester of nursing school at Keiser University. They are giving back to their community by volunteer to teach our JA financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship programs to Palm Beach County students grades K-12 for 5 weeks. Some of the students had their first day yesterday and are looking forward to the rest of the sessions!

“As a nurse, teaching is a huge portion of the job. This clinical rotation with JA provides for a great experience for each of us to get comfortable with the role of being a “teacher”. By the end of today’s hour lesson, it definitely became more comfortable standing in front of the classroom, providing direction, answering questions, and asking for feedback. I really do look forward to going back the school and seeing all of the bright faces of the first-grade class!”

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